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Carola Veneziano
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+39 388 888 4126
Via Aldo Moro, 236 - 92026 Favara AG
+39 388 888 4126
We create design products using natural materials.
We offer mono-material solutions in interior design and in the production of designer kitchens.
/ Maple
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The maple tree, also known as Acer pseudoplatanus, includes 150 species of plants found in Europe, Asia, and North America.
@ All Right Reserved 2024 - Sito web realizzato da Flazio Experience
@ All Right Reserved 2024 - Sito web realizzato da Flazio Experience
Maple wood has a light color with subtle and uniform veins. It has a smooth surface and a natural shine. It has a straight grain and its texture is fine and uniform.
Used for furniture, floors, household tools, musical instruments, and art objects.
Maple wood has an average density of 610 kg/m3. It has a medium bending and breaking resistance and very low stiffness, which makes it easy to work, especially when steamed. It tends to deteriorate and be prone to woodworm attacks, but its permeability allows for preservation treatments.
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Tra le mani sapienti degli artigiani hanno origine divaniletto dal design accattivante che incontrano il gusto dei clienti più esigenti. Il resto è esperienza, preziosi consigli e un’ampia scelta di soluzioni esclusive.